China may become a solar energy consuming country

Lazard Capital Markets is expected that China will become a solar energy consuming country, and recommend areas of bargain stocks to buy China's solar energy.

Analyst Sanjay Shrestha said: "China is no longer merely a manufacturing power, but also become a strong growth market." He believed that before 2011, the size of China's solar industry can achieve 10-1500000000 watts. He also estimated that by 2012 the industry will reach 2000 million watts in 2020 to reach 20 billion watts.

The analysts believe that the infrastructure, financing and access issues will not become a development bottleneck. In a report he wrote: "We believe that the necessary infrastructure will be build up very fast, state-owned enterprises and banks will provide financial support." Until the end of last year, the field of solar energy are not affected by the economic crisis. Due to exchange rate fluctuations, revenue polysilicon contract, China's solar energy equipment manufacturers were hit, but China's newly announced incentives will help boost demand.

Jun. 18, 2009